Following our blog "Creating Love At First Glance - Its All About Curb Appeal" we want to move inside and make the interior as charming as we have the exterior.
We are not ready to stage the home just yet, not until we take some immediate steps to minimize the day-to-day items that have accumulated over the years, items we all have and just tend to easily overlook. This requires a thorough examination – with both eyes open!
An easy way to keep these steps in mind is to remember them as "The Three Ds": Depersonalize, Declutter, and Discard.
If you are considering selling your home, now is a perfect time with inventory at historically low levels and multiple offers well-above list price. In Geni’s FREE book, ‘Selling Secrets You Can’t Afford To Miss’ you will discover the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly truths about this crazy market! In her book she unpacks 4 decades of valuable success strategies and industry secrets to get your home Sold Fast…even Common Seller Mistakes!
Most people dread this part of getting their home ready for sale because it can be one of the most difficult. They 'love' all their 'things' displayed, and they don't want to get rid of them or pack them away. After all, they thought their home was pretty with all that stuff, and to them it is, but they are not selling to themselves anymore! Living in your home is one thing, selling it is a whole different story. Keep in mind, if you do everything right, your home will sell fast, and you can start displaying your beloved things again in your next home soon!
Depersonalizing the home involves removing your personal items, such as family photos and treasured heirlooms that have been passed down from generations or that you inherited. This may be the hardest out of The Three D's to do because they are so personal. However, these items of personal taste may distract buyers from seeing the home as theirs.
Bottom Line: simplify and neutralize your home as if it were a model home in a new housing development, because that’s exactly what it is while it’s on the market. Pack and store your treasured items and remember to stash personal papers, especially financial documents, safely out of sight. Consider monthly rented storage units until your home sells. Make your home a clean, welcoming, blank canvas upon which any buyer can visually paint their own dreams.
Remember, you’re preparing your house for other people now. As harsh as it sounds, this will soon no longer be your home. Understand that this house has served its purpose in your life, and it’s time to pass it on to another family starting theirs.
Selling Secret: Before you start, peer into the future and visualize what you want, your new home and destination.
This goes without saying, but it is hard to show off the beauty of your home if it’s full of clutter. It is understandably inconvenient to live in your home without your “stuff.” It’s like living in a hotel room. However, it is a necessary component of getting top dollar for your house. It's always good to infuse mindfulness into the selling process.
Detaching from your home is essential to preparing your home for sale. If you're emotionally charged and feel gutted every time you move things around or pack up, the process becomes grueling and will take too much time.
To begin letting go, first acknowledge that your emotions over the house exist and are valid. I understand how you feel and how you value your past and memories.
Selling Secret: Find the joy in decluttering. Selling the house comes with loads of stress but a joyful mindset can help you see the big picture, run on the fumes of gratitude, and do more with less stuff weighing you down—physically, and emotionally.
Clutter Is Demanding.
It steals your time because it demands that you spend your time and your emotions on handling it all.
Clutter Is Overwhelming.
It steals your peace because it overwhelms you when your home should be your sanctuary and instead it is covered in stuff you don’t know what to do with.
Clutter Is Defeating.
It defeats your purpose because it stifles your passion and you have no energy or space left to create, to enjoy, to become.
Clutter is a thief that stops you from enjoying motherhood or fatherhood, distracts you from your purpose, and impacts every part of your life. Not a feeling you want your buyers to have.
I know this is not an easy task to do, but it must be done to get your home ready to sell. Our clients have found, once it's done, they feel so good!
There are many reasons people sell their homes and every situation is different. Consider these ideas when decluttering:
Another simple process to declutter and discard is called: “Giveaway – Throwaway – Put Away” and it will help you get the job done easier and more efficiently. Simply set up three boxes with labels on each box ‘Giveaway,’ ‘Throwaway’ and ‘Put Away.’
Give Away Box: Items you have not used in at least six (6) months or more and have some value, are candidates for this box. Give them to your neighbors, family, church, GoodWill®, Salvation Army® or any charity you favor.
Throw Away Box: These are items that you are just hanging onto and may not even know why – just throw it away.
Put Away Box: Only keep these items if you are using them RIGHT NOW. It takes discipline, especially if you think “I know I’ll need that someday….” Giveaway, even to your neighbor, part with it!! Now – go forth, DE-CLUTTER and DISCARD!
Selling Secret: Remember, selling your home is the step before moving, and the less STUFF you must move later, the less it will cost you!
If you are interested in more suggestions and guidance on the “Three D’s” and preparing your house for sale then we recommend Geni's book.