A Real Estate Guide To A Stress Free Life
By A Senior Real Estate Specialist
Once your kids move out of the house, you might find yourself with an overabundance of unused space. While letting go of the house you’ve called home for so long might not be easy, it just might be the right decision — both financially and practically for your future. Whether you or your senior parent choose to move to a smaller single-family home or to a senior living community, the opportunities (and cost savings) are endless.
Inside this book, you’ll learn...

- How to picture your future with a new lifestyle, the benefits of downsizing, and learning to live big in a smaller home.
All about your many and exciting housing options for your new lifestyle, the differences, and how to make these decisions.
- How to price, stage, market your home, and negotiate for the most money possible.
- How to protect yourself from potential real estate scams, and how to navigate the probate process when necessary.